Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen’s Projects

It has long been Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen’s particular concern, to make the Heart Essence of Mahāyāna Teachings (theg chen pa'i bstan snying po) known in the West. The Heart Essence of Mahāyāna Teachings ranks among the most important texts of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. It contains essential teachings of the lineage founder Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217) and was written by his personal student Ngorje Repa. The Heart Essence is a comprehensive fundamental work. Starting from the treatment of the topic of Buddha Nature it outlines the entire buddhist path as gradual path to enlightenment that concludes with an explanation of the Fivefold Path of Mahāmudrā, one of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage’s own practice. Aside from the Gongchig (The Single Intent), the most important philosophical legacy of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön, Khenchen Rinpoche teaches with passion and with great enthusiasm the Heart Essence of Mahāyāna Teachings. It is his heartfelt wish that this important and comprehensive text will be made available in translations in three volumes. In order to promote this project, he works at the Milarepa Retreat Center closely with translators. The German translation of the first part of the Heart Essence is completed and will be published in the near future. Currently work is being done on the English translation of the first and the German translation of the second part.

Khenchen Rinpoche is a wonderful author and translator who has translated for many years important Dharma texts and has written profound commentaries on them, to allow his students and those seriously interested in the Dharma, to come into contact with authentic Dharma knowledge. Rinpoche has published twelve books. These books are all available in English. In his latest book, Opening the Treasure of the Profound, Khenchen Rinpoche presents songs of realization by Jigten Sumgon and Milarepa.

A list of the highly reccomended books by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche:

Pearl Rosary: The Path of Purification. Vajra Publications, Gainesville, 2007

The Garland of Mahamudra Practices. Snow Lion, Ithaca, 2002

In Search of the Stainless Ambrosia. Snow Lion, Ithaca, 1988

The Great Kagyu Masters: The Golden Lineage Treasury. Snow Lion, Ithaca, 1991

The Jewel Treasury of Advice: A Hundred Teachings from the Heart. Vajra Publications, Frederick, 2001

The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings. Snow Lion, Ithaca, 1992

Calling to the Lama from Afar: Verses of Supplication and Praise to Lord Jigten Sumgön. Vajra Publications, Gainesville

A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path. Snow Lion, Ithaca, 2010

Wheel of Wisdom: Three Teaching Poems and a Guru Yoga Practice. Vajra Publications, Gainesville, 2012

Prayers Flags. The Life and Spiritual Teachings of Jigten Sumgön. Snow Lion, Ithaca,1986

Transformation of Suffering: A Handbook for Practitioners. Vajra Publications, Gainesville

Opening the Treasure of the Profound: Teachings on the Songs of Jigten Sumgön and Milarepa. Snow Lion, Boston & London, 2013


chetsang thron

H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup

Announcement to the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)



COVID 19 - Impermanence



H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup on the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)
Recitation of the short Parnashavari Practice




garchen micro

 We are happy to inform you, that H.E.Garchen Rinpoche and all Lamas at GBI have been vaccinated.


H.E.Garchen Rinpoche


Message from H.E.Garchen Rinpoche on October 10, 2020



It doesn’t matter whether one calls oneself a Buddhist or not a Buddhist. The Dharma is love.

When you see how your love touches others, it will become your happiness to give your happiness away.

Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space.

Love is the sunlight of the mind.

H.E.Garchen Rinpoche has finished his retreat and sends us this message:



Green Tara Practice



heide zentrum


Information from the Center regarding the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)

The center is closed until further notice due to the Corona epidemic.



Spring/Summer 2021

 buddha im garten c


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Renting meditation rooms

Buddhagarten c


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Vikramashila Research and Translation Project

Under the Guidance of Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche

 Vikramashila project


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Milarepa Retreat Zentrum
Reimerdinger Str. 18
D 29640 Schneverdingen
Phone +49-(0)5193-97432-000