"Vikramashila Research and Translation Project"

Under the Guidance of Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche


One of the most important projects of the Garchen Foundation is to support scientific research projects in the field of Tibetan Buddhism. The goal is mainly the promotion of text projects, i.e. the translation and printing of ancient Tibetan Buddhist teaching and prayer texts.

Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche, since 2008 Dharma Teacher at the Kagyu College in Dehradun/ India, was enthroned by H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang in 2013 as Khenpo Tripa, supreme teacher of all Drikung monasteries in the exile. In the coming years Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche will lead in the Milarepa Retreat Center the text projects of the Vikramashila Translation Committee and provide the necessary teachings for the understanding of these ancient writings. The focus will initially be on writings that were written by Phagmodrupa and by the founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön, and also by his immediate disciples in the 13th Century. These texts are available so far only in the Tibetan original, but not in Western languages and therefore they are still completely unknown to most Buddhists in the western world.

More information regarding the Vikramashila Translation Project you can find in this
PDF broschure (download) and on www.garchen-stiftung.de

Vikramashila Project 1 Vikramashila Project 2
Vikramashila Project 3 Vikramashila Project 4


chetsang thron

H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup

Announcement to the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)



COVID 19 - Impermanence



H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup on the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)
Recitation of the short Parnashavari Practice




garchen micro

 We are happy to inform you, that H.E.Garchen Rinpoche and all Lamas at GBI have been vaccinated.


H.E.Garchen Rinpoche


Message from H.E.Garchen Rinpoche on October 10, 2020



It doesn’t matter whether one calls oneself a Buddhist or not a Buddhist. The Dharma is love.

When you see how your love touches others, it will become your happiness to give your happiness away.

Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space.

Love is the sunlight of the mind.

H.E.Garchen Rinpoche has finished his retreat and sends us this message:



Green Tara Practice



heide zentrum


Information from the Center regarding the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)

The center is closed until further notice due to the Corona epidemic.



Spring/Summer 2021

 buddha im garten c


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Renting meditation rooms

Buddhagarten c


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Vikramashila Research and Translation Project

Under the Guidance of Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche

 Vikramashila project


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Milarepa Retreat Zentrum
Reimerdinger Str. 18
D 29640 Schneverdingen
Phone +49-(0)5193-97432-000