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A Dharma Center is very precious and it can only be maintained if we support it.
If we do not support it, a Center can hardly exist.
Any support brings immeasurable merit.


All the crisis in the world, the war on our doorstep, and the resulting increase in prices and general raise of insecurity pose great challenges for the Milarepa Retreat Center. In addition, at the age of 82, the founder Dr. Liane Pitsos is retiring from all activities and responsibilities.

We can only overcome this situation together with you. We depend on your generosity and need your active, regular support to continue to put the visions of H.H. Drikung Kyabgön Thinley and H.E. Garchen Rinpoche into practice and to preserve them for future generation



  • Become a sponsor of the Milarepa Retreat Center by making a regular (annual or monthly) donation by standing order. Every donation (even the smallest, regular donation) is invaluable and helps to maintain this spiritual place. By doing so, you participate in the spiritual merit of all, current and future, Dharma activities of the center.

  • Support participants of the Three-Year Retreat who cannot afford the fee. Through such support, you share in the merit of the entire retreat. →Click
  • A donation for Sangha brothers and sisters who cannot afford to attend the Dharma events at the Center (especially now in this time of crisis) is greatly appreciated and deserving. →Click
  • Donations for long life pujas for H.H.Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup and for H.E.Garchen Rinpoche are also invaluable. →Click
  • Support the ongoing translation projects,- the valuable work of many dedicated translators who translate our sadhanas, teaching texts, and teachings into Western languages. Translation and printing each involve great expense. →Click
  • Become a patron of the Hevajra Project, the heart project of H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup, by supporting the translation of the root text, the sadhanas, and the various commentaries. →Click
  • Donation for the travel expenses of the lamas and translators. →Click
  • For flowers in the temple →Click
  • For the tsog →Click
  • For candles in the temple Click


You can either use bank transfer or direct debit:

Bank transfer:
Donations Account: The account of the Milarepa Retreat Center (a project of the Garchen Foundation) is: 

Donation Account: Garchen Stiftung
Donation Bank: Kreisparkasse Soltau
IBAN: DE79258516600055064091
Payment reference: (for instance) Donation for whatever you choose to support.


Direct debit:

Your donation counts! / Ihre Spende zählt!
Please enter a donation amount / Bitte geben Sie einen Spendenbetrag ein
Choose a donation rhythm (one single donation or repeating: monthly, quaterly, half-yearly, yearly) / Wählen Sie einen Spendenrhythmus
Payment reference /
Ihr Spendenzweck
Select a payment method / Wählen Sie eine Zahlungsart




chetsang thron

H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup

Announcement to the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)



COVID 19 - Impermanence



H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup on the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)
Recitation of the short Parnashavari Practice




garchen micro

 We are happy to inform you, that H.E.Garchen Rinpoche and all Lamas at GBI have been vaccinated.


H.E.Garchen Rinpoche


Message from H.E.Garchen Rinpoche on October 10, 2020



It doesn’t matter whether one calls oneself a Buddhist or not a Buddhist. The Dharma is love.

When you see how your love touches others, it will become your happiness to give your happiness away.

Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space.

Love is the sunlight of the mind.

H.E.Garchen Rinpoche has finished his retreat and sends us this message:



Green Tara Practice



heide zentrum


Information from the Center regarding the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)

The center is closed until further notice due to the Corona epidemic.



Spring/Summer 2021

 buddha im garten c


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Renting meditation rooms

Buddhagarten c


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Vikramashila Research and Translation Project

Under the Guidance of Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche

 Vikramashila project


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Milarepa Retreat Zentrum
Reimerdinger Str. 18
D 29640 Schneverdingen
Phone +49-(0)5193-97432-000