




New Year’s is the time for reflection and cleansing of the old, bringing in the new. This Retreat is great chance to go deep in this powerful Ngondro preliminary practice of Vajrasattva that has deep purifying and healing power. We will get instruction on the practice of Vajrasattva for physical, emotional and subtle body purification. Giorgio will guide us in the supportive practices of movement, breath and relaxation. Some sessions we will do together as a group and some you will do in your own room gaining more personal experience. There will be time for private interviews as needed for questions about your progress or natural challenges presented by the retreat process. There is no greater benefit we can do in this life than to practice in retreat for the benefit of all beings. For questions or more information please contact Drupon Rachel directly or the Milarepa Retreat Center.

For those who are interested in joining the Vajrayogini Retreat in the future this retreat is an essential prerequisite.



Sunday January 1, 2023
14:00 Arrival and registration
16:30-18:00 Introduction and teachings
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Group practice of Sadhana

Monday January 2, 2023
06:00 Body and Breath Awakening and Vajrasattva Sadhana in group
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Teachings on Vajrasattva and retreat supports
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Relaxation practice / breathing practice
16:00 Start Retreat and Silence – Group practice of Sadhana
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Solitary Practice Sadhana

Tuesday-Friday January 3-6, 23
06:00 Body and Breath Awakening and group Sadhana
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Solitary Practice Sadhana (times for private interviews as needed)
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Q&A and Relaxation practice / breathing
16:00 Group practice of Sadhana
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Solitary Practice Sadhana

Saturday, January 7, 23
06:00 Body and Breath Awakening and group Sadhana
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Milarepa Tsog and End of Retreat and Silence
12:30 Lunch



Registration deadline was 22.12.2022


Drubpön Rachel offers ONLY the Vajrasattva Group Practice on January 1, 23 at 19:30 ONLINE!

There is no fee, but please register at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
we will send you the Zoom link!
Registration deadline: 30.12.2022




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Information from the Center regarding the Corona Virus (Sars-CoV-2)

The center is closed until further notice due to the Corona epidemic.



Renting meditation rooms

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Milarepa Retreat Zentrum
Reimerdinger Str. 18
D 29640 Schneverdingen
Phone +49-(0)5193-97432-000